Ejlskov A/S conduct environmental surveys by using Geoprobe® to delineate the extent of a contamination.
  • Injektion with HRC® at Frederiksborg Allé, Copenhagen.
  • Geoprobing, MIP logging, EC measurements, SP16 groundwater sampling and monitoring well installation to delineate the extent of contamination along a one-mile-section of shoreline. Over 2,000 m were probed during this project.
  • 40 pore air probing and establishing a monitoring station for chlorinated solvents.
  • Environmental survey to delineate the extent of contamination at 10 different sites located in Copenhagen.
  • 10 deep MIP-probing conducted at 10 former dry cleaners.
  • 7 MIP-probing (depth of 15 m) to delineate the extent of oil contamination.
  • MIP-probing for geological mapping and delineating the extent of contamination of the groundwater with benzen.
  • MIP-probing in a factory building to delineate the extent of PCE contamination.
  • Injektion of melasse to reduce dechloring of a contamination with chlorinated solvents at a former dry cleaner´s.
  • Supplemental survey at 4 sites contaminated with PCE, TCE og turpentine.
  • Supplemental survey at a site in Copenhagen, where a contamination of the soil and groundwater was delineated by MIP-probing. Extraction of level specific samples for both soil and groundwater. Probing of pore air to asses the effect on the indoor clima.
  • Geoprobe survey at Pfizer Health, Helsingborg.