In early September, Ejlskov took its first step to remediate yet another gas station in Europe in a little village in Eastern Finland.

After signing a fixed price contract with Teboil OY, 425 soil samples across 23 investigation locations were collected to delineate the actual vertical and lateral boundary of the contamination present at the site. The works conducted over a period of 7 days did not create any interference to the site activities.
Soil samples have been sent and analysed by RPI Inc. Laboratory, at no cost for the client.
The data collected will be used to create a 3D soil mass contaminant model which will enable Ejlskov to use the available budget in the most cost-efficient way treating only the areas and layers needed to achieve the remedial goals.
Stay tuned for updates on the remediation progress.


For more information: 
Director, Palle Ejlskov, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., mobile: 3168 9586