The objective was to remove petrol contamination caused by a pipe leak in 2003. Since the spill, Shell has worked in close cooperation with Brøndby Municipality to prevent the contamination from spreading. The site has been carefully monitored during that time. Now, following Ejlskov’s remediation work, the risk of further spread has been eliminated, and the biological remediation process will run its course over the next 18-36 months.
Best solution on the market
Shell has already expressed great satisfaction with the remediation work.
"In recent years, we have tested a range of remediation methods and have found Ejlskov’s new remediation technique to be the most appropriate solution on the market. It was also important to us that Ejlskov was able to carry out the remediation according to a fixed price contract. Ejlskov is an expert in in-situ remediation, and the communication flow has been very good throughout the entire process. We have been very satisfied with our cooperation and with Ejlskov’s efficiency and professional project management, which has proceeded in line with the agreed plan,” says environmental project manager at Shell, Per Øster.
Two-phase remediation
Remediation was conducted in two eight-week phases. During phase 1, the remediation focused on those areas that could be treated without interrupting station operations. Shell chose to close the station during the second phase, when remediation was conducted in and around pumps, tanks and pipes.
The latest soil samples show the treatment is making good progress. In the years ahead, the microbiological fluid, which has been injected into the soil across the site, will continue to break down contaminated components. Remediation is expected to be complete after 18 to 36 months, during which Ejlskov will measure and report on environmental developments.
Trap & Treat® BOS® 200
Trap & Treat® BOS 200® technology stands out for its ability to degrade components under aerobic and anaerobic conditions. A sustainable slurry, containing activated carbon, nutrients and microorganisms, is injected into the ground. The active carbon mixture actively traps the contaminants, which are then broken down by the microorganisms over a period of one to three years. Ejlskov is the only supplier of this highly efficient, sustainable and patented technology in Europe.
The future
“We are already talking to our consultants about possible remediation projects using the same technology,” Per Øster states.
Remediation activities at Danish Shell station are now complete

Ejlskov has successfully completed its environmental remediation activities at a Danish Shell station on schedule. Located in Brøndby on the outskirts of Copenhagen, the petrol station will reopen in June as planned.
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