Ejlskovs in-situ bioremediation proves again to be the most suitable approach in terms of both costs and performance capabilities for the cleanup of a commercial site contaminated by spill of benzene and organic solvents. This is the conclusion of Circle Ks recent search for a solution to the underground contamination problem at their filling station in Vara. Circle K is now contracting Ejlskov for the task, and for some crucial reasons:
Circle K signs fixed-price contract with Ejlskov for a full-scale remediation of a well-run filling station in Vara, west Sweden.
No closing down of the station
Thanks to Ejlskovs targeted injection techniques and the mechanisms of patented BOS 200® “trap and treat” technology, a full-scale underground remediation of Circle K´s site is possible without causing major disturbances to the daily activities at the station. In fact, the filling services at the station will be kept available throughout the whole operation.
Cost-effective strategy
Ejlskov delivers a full site remediation strategy that generates a fast, almost immediate risk removal and plume control by trapping the contaminants through carbon adsorption followed by a steady biological degradation process where the BOS200® mixture continuously eliminates the contaminants underground over a calculated period of 5-10 years. “Using this performance strategy, we create a stable situation from day one and then control the entire degradation process at a minimum of resources and costs”, says department manager at Ejlskov Claus Ølund. “We will initiate the injection work in July and expect to end implementation and be out of the site 3 months later”, Claus Ølund adds.
Project targets
Project targets include criteria set for water by SPI (Svenska Petroleum och Biodrivmedel Institutet) and the MKM criteria set for soil (Naturvårdsverket). After completion of the injection work, the performance process will be monitored carefully until target criteria are reached and well-documented. The monitoring program requires no visible or resource demanding installations left on site.
Mapping of contamination and remedial design
At this stage, Ejlskov has already performed a MIP survey and comprehensive soil samples on the site to map the underground contamination. Based on these analysis and previous investigations from other environmental consultants, Ejlskov has designed a remediation plan consisting of 319 injection points for the underground distribution of 22,894 kgs BOS 200® using different injectate distribution techniques according to soil conditions, contaminant profile, underground installations etc.

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Palle Ejlskov